
Convert Outlook Contacts to Lotus Contacts within Short Interval of Time

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For Security Purpose, Notes is Preferred over Outlook:?Migration of contacts from Outlook to Notes is preferred by users when they are concerned to keep them safe and secure.??Contacts are really important to users to communicate with others. To?convert Outlook contacts to Lotus contacts, (http://www.outlooktolotusnotes.com/) a bunch of tools is devised by software companies scattered all around. You can make a right decision for selection of best conversion tool after taking a demo run of product.

?Different fields of Contacts:

Business Cards:?It is used to save contacts and information of the business.Address Cards:?It is used to keep track of addresses of different persons.Detailed Address Cards:?Detailed address cards are useful when you have to save detail address of a person like city, street no., plot no., etc.Phone List:?It is devised to keep a record of phone numbers of persons.By Category:?In this option you can create different categories?to keep contacts separately and category wise, this feature saves your time because it provides quick selection process for particular contact.By Company:?If you are tempted to keep contacts of several companies separately than you can create different category with company’s name.By Location:?If your concern is to save contacts by location then follow this option.Why it is needed to convert Outlook Contacts to Lotus Contacts?

Today customers are very smart enough to use outside applications, as they know that professional tools are useful to provide safety and security. Lotus Notes provides higher level of security of your information that is why it is preferred by users. Many more features are responsible to compel users to?convert Outlook contacts to Lotus contacts. Offline working environment of Lotus Notes offers easy offline working environment than Outlook. For instance, user can duplicate Notes email database to his/her laptop before leaving office and he/she can work it offline. User can synchronize the email database when he/she will be back to Server. Other than contacts, other data present in Lotus Notes is equally important when conversion is decided to be done.

Software that Offers Easy Way to Convert Contacts from Outlook to Notes:

You need to select intelligent software which is useful to carry out a reliable action to?convert Outlook contacts to Lotus contacts?and other data like emails, calendars, journals, to do list etc.?SysTools?Outlook to Notes?software (http://www.convertpsttonsf.co.uk) is a relevant software tool for quick and safe conversion of not only Outlook contacts to Notes, but other data too

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