
Corporate lookup settings

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Many settings can be modified for the corporate look up feature.
The minimum number of characters typed before a lookup is executed. The maximum number of results returned to the device. Which server the lookup is executed against. Which directories are searched. Enforcing access control lists. The search depth performed by the look up function. What fields are retrieved from the directory and how they are sent to the device. What fields are used for duplicate resolution. What mail address fields are encoded for Apple Devices.
Note: A server restart is typically required after changing any corporate look up setting. Apple and Android devices will search as you type. To improve performance, a default of three characters must be typed before the actual look up initiates. You can configure this value by setting NAME_LOOKUP_MIN_LENGTH in the TrueSyncServer section of the data\traveler\cfg\NTSConfig.xml file. On Windows? Mobile and Nokia devices a search is not executed until you press the Search or Lookup button. By default the maximum number of results sent to the device is 30, which ensures that the number of records sent to the device is small. This value can be changed, but it is recommended you keep it relatively small to prevent device performance issues. The value can be configured by modifying the NAME_LOOKUP_MAX_RECORDS property in the TrueSyncServer section of the data\traveler\cfg\NTSConfig.xml file. Some devices may experience performance issues with as few as 50 results returned. By default the lookup is performed against the user's mail server. This is done to reduce configuration needed on the Lotus Notes? Traveler server and provide more consistent results with a Notes? Client. The behavior can be changed to perform the lookup operation against the Lotus Notes Traveler server instead. To have lookups performed against the Lotus Notes Traveler server, set NTS_TRAVELER_AS_LOOKUP_SERVER=true in the notes.ini file. The look up itself is a Domino? server operation. The Domino server will search the local address book and any directories specified by Directory Assistance. For example if using a corporate LDAP you will need to setup Directory Assistance such that the Domino server can look up entries in the LDAP server. In general, the user's mail server should already have appropriate configuration for handling search requests from a Notes Client. See the Domino documentation on Directory Assistance for more information. By default the corporate lookup function does not enforce ACL restrictions inside a directory, such as Extended ACL, for the user performing the look up. To enforce ACL restrictions, including Extended ACL, set NTS_LOOKUP_ENFORCE_ACL=1 in the notes.ini file. A setting of zero is the default. See the Domino documentation for information on using ACL and Extended ACL to control access to directories. The default search depth is an exhaustive search of all directories found. This search depth is the most common, however it can be configured with one of the values shown below.

To change the setting, update the nameLookupFlags attribute in the BackendManager section of the data\traveler\cfg\NTSConfig.xml file.
0 means that the lookup will not match partial names and will stop searching once a match is found. 8 means that the lookup will match partial names, but again will only return the first value found. 32 will not match partial names, but will perform an exhaustive search of all directories including ones specified in directory assistance. It will return all results. 40 (default) will match partial names and perform an exhaustive search of all directories. The default set of items retrieved from the directory are generally sufficient for most environments, but if you are using an LDAP that uses non-standard field names, it may be necessary to configure them specifically. The search uses the order of the fields as the priority when returning results. As a result, the order of the fields should represent the desired sort order as closely as possible. To determine the field names of your LDAP you may need to contact your LDAP administrator or use an LDAP browser application. To change the fields, modify the nameLookupItems property in the BackendManager section of the data\traveler\cfg\NTSConfig.xml file. This is the default list of fields in sort order, by last name, first name, middle initial, list name and full name. The remaining fields are unimportant to the result of the sort order. VALUE="LastName,FirstName,MiddleInitial,ListName,FullName,Type,$$NoteID,Title,Suffix,OfficeStreetAddress,OfficeCity,OfficeState,OfficeZIP,OfficeCountry,StreetAddress,City,State,Zip,country,JobTitle,CompanyName,Department,InternetAddress,CellPhoneNumber,PhoneNumber,OfficePhoneNumber,WebSite"/>

Once the fields are retrieved from the directory, you can then change how they get mapped to the device. This differs based on device type. For Apple devices, see Customizing the ActiveSync XSLT file. For all other devices, see Customizing the VCARD XSLT file.

Often, you will have a particular entry in more than one directory, or even in the same directory with different names. To prevent duplicate results from being sent to the device, you can specify a field or fields that are required to be unique. If the field contains a duplicate entry, then it is ignored and not sent to the device. By default, the fields InternetAddress and $$NoteID are used for duplicate resolution. You can configure which fields to use in the nameLookupUniqueItems property in the BackendManager section of the data\traveler\cfg\NTSConfig.xml file. Note that in order for the field to be used for duplicate resolution, it must be returned by the lookup. Therefore any field specified in nameLookupUniqueItems must also be specified in nameLookupItems, or it will be ignored. Apple devices do not handle Domino style mail addresses well. To improve usability and overcome some functional concerns, all non-standard mail addresses sent to an Apple device are encoded to a format that Apple devices understand (for example, name@yourco.com). By default, corporate lookup is done for the InternetAddress field. To apply this encoding to another mail address field, modify nameLookupEmailAddressItems property in the BackendManager section of the data\traveler\cfg\NTSConfig.xml file. See Address encoding for Apple devices for more information on this function.

Parent topic: Configuring corporate look up for devices

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